Smart enough

Resident says NDP leader Adrian Dix must win voters' trust if in government

Many British Columbians are apprehensive, and some are scared to death, about the possibility of Adrian Dix becoming premier.

The B.C. Liberals created such a tsunami of disgust and distrust, the NDP should have been able to surf into power without making any expensive promises.

Premier Christy Clark claims to be the champion of free-enterpriser so she must believe in the value of real competition.

A credible alternative for the privilege of governing B.C. is necessary to prevent the onset of complacency, incompetence and corruption.

The record of the B.C. Liberals’ 12-years of rule proves the point. Even Christy Clark cannot rewrite history by simply distorting the facts and figures.

If the NDP is elected and then betrays the voters’ trust by mismanaging the province’s finances, British Columbians will send Mr. Dix’s party back to the opposition benches in the next election.

Hopefully, Adrian Dix is smart enough and tough enough to run an efficient and ethical government.

Lloyd Atkins



Vernon Morning Star