Smart meters

Recent forum hosted by Smart Meter Awareness Group of Vernon informative

I recently attended a forum hosted by “The Smart Meter Awareness Group of Vernon.” I wish to thank the group as the forum was well done and very informative.

The Liberal government and BC Hydro have forced the ‘Smart Meters’ on the taxpaying residents of B.C. with a “shut up and take your medicine, it’s good for you” approach, while all over the world countless studies have shown this to be totally and absolutely incorrect.

If we care about our health, mental and physical, – think cancer, immune disorders, behavioral and learning disabilities, if we care about future generations – think human reproductive issues and birth disorders, if we care about our safety and personal security – smart meters may interfere with pacemakers, hearing aides, security systems and may cause fires, if we value personal privacy, we must be aware that this technology opens wide the door to the collection of personal information by government and other agencies.

If we care about the now and future cost of power. If we care about government operating in an open, responsible way instead of serving their corporate masters (follow the $$$). If we care about all these things and if we care about democracy then we owe it to ourselves, our children, each other and Canada to become informed on this issue and to have a voice in how this wireless technology proceeds, always with a mind not only to how it benefits us but also to the inherent perils and risks.

I thought it interesting that there did not appear to be any representation from BC Hydro or from the Liberal government in attendance at the smart meter forum.


Ruth Keiss, Vernon



Vernon Morning Star