Smart meters and chemtrails

The main chemicals in the spraying are aluminum, strontium and barium — chances are, we’ve been breathing this concoction for over a decade.

Re: the connection of smart meters and chemtrails.

The main chemicals in the spraying are aluminum, strontium and barium — chances are, we’ve been breathing this concoction for over a decade now. But did you know that barium conducts electro-magnetic energy.

We are 80 per cent water and now, with a highly-conductive metal inside us we are essentially a highly conductive walking antenna. Smart meter wireless technology affects us now at an even greater rate because it is literally being conducted more easily through our very bodies, creating an electrical charge that is foreign to the very complex and delicate electrical system we evolved with over the many ages of human and animal evolution on this earth.

This extra charge opens the blood brain barrier letting blood proteins and other toxins present in the blood into the brain which kills brain cells.

No wonder so many people are reporting headaches and migraines, fogginess, unclear thinking, forgetfulness, lack of clarity and focus, lack of concentration, impaired learning and accelerated dementia and Alzheimer’s — and that’s just the mental functions.

Nevermind Cancer, MS, Parkinson’s, infertility and the list obviously goes on and on and on. The statistics show that all these conditions increased dramatically at the same time as they started spraying, and will continue to do so if we don’t stop it.

John St. John


Parksville Qualicum Beach News