Smart meters are coming soon

It may seem inevitable, but there are still some things people can do

It seems that the assurance that Qualicum Beach residents would not have to deal with Smart Meters being installed before March 2012 was not to be believed.

We got our notification in the mail today from B.C. Hydro that a smart meter will be installed within the next few weeks.

So, whether we like it or not, our present meters will be removed and replaced with wireless devices set to irradiate our homes and businesses with electromagnetic radiation at levels that medical science has now shown to be 10 million times over the safe level of exposure.

Each meter also has a relay switch containing as much mercury as 500 CFL light bulbs. A house fire involving these meters would require full haz-matt protective clothing for the fire fighters.

BC Hydro claims they are legally operating within the levels sets by Safety Canada Code 6, a code that Health Canada’s Dr. John Blatherwick has publicly acknowledged is seriously out of date.

It is astonishing to comprehend the quality of arrogance and disregard for the genuine concerns of its citizens that this Liberal government is capable of.

To tell us that we can do nothing to stop them from entering our private property to install devices that could potentially cause detrimental biological effects to our person is nothing short of neo-fascism.

To download and print your No Trespassing notice for meter installers, readers can go to the website Oceanside Coalition for Strong Communities, BC Energy Plan.

Fern and Laurence Wayman


Qualicum Beach



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