Smart meters just one sign of problems within BC Hydro

Terrace letter writer feels BC Hydro is fleecing its customers

Dear Sir:

I thought that the initials B.C. meant owned by the people of B.C. for B.C.

But after a recent phone call and a letter from BC Hydro, both stating that I had a choice of three options:

1. Standard meter with radio on.

2. A radio off meter one time set up of $100 plus $20 a month

3. Old meter for $35 a month plus electricity.

The phone call stated that we had until Dec. 1 to make up our minds.

I said to the person on the other end of the telephone line that my choice was to keep my old meter and to not have to pay the $35 monthly charge.

She informed me that BC Hydro would shut the electricity off if I didn’t pay.

Funny, when California owed BC Hydro, they didn’t shut their power off. Is it just me or does it seem like BC Hydro is fleecing all residents of B.C.

We have a new hydro line going through our northwest B.C.

The government in 2009 had it bid out at $395 million. So far, it’s only $746 million and it’s not finished yet. Guess who gets to pay for this overrun.

I think that everyone in B.C. should wake up and complain. There has been no study done, no consulting, and no care for the health of the residents of B.C.

There are cities in the USA that have banned smart meters.

B.C. residents, stand up and let BC Hydro know we don’t want electromagnetic radiation in our province.

Willy Cure,

Terrace, B.C.



Terrace Standard