Smart meters no help to save

We received our new smart meter three months ago. B.C. Hydro’s media campaign boasted that the bill would change very little.

We received our new smart meter three months ago. B.C. Hydro’s media campaign boasted that the bill would change very little. We tried various conservation methods to keep our bill the same.

The two month bill arrived. We are now paying $100 more than we have ever paid. A meter reader still comes to our home to read the meter.

The Hydro brochure suggests that it will eliminate hydro theft. The service is exactly the same but all of us will pay a lot more. This feels like electronic theft.

Can we all make a “smarter choice” by asking that they replace the B.C. Hydro management with a less expensive staff? Will B.C. Hydro be giving themselves huge bonuses and pay raises?  Will the B.C. Liberals make a smarter choice and stop this deception?

Art Bickerton



Goldstream News Gazette