Smart meters will suck up more money

Governments the world over have found a new way to suck more money out of our pockets.

Editor: BC Hydro makes a voltage potential available to your home. In the past, you paid for what you used.

Now with smart meters you will pay for power even if you don’t use it.

The following paragraph was emailed to me by a friend in BC Hydro:

“P.S. Smart meters are capturing electricity that is lost at the meter that BC Hydro could not charge for but can now. Even if you do not use it, you are charged for it.

“This is the role of a smart meter. Watch your bills go up.

“Courtesy BC Hydro lineman friend. Cheers.”

Governments the world over have found a new way to suck more money out of our pockets. The billion dollar cost to implement this program will be paid back very fast, because this government won’t wait 15 years to get their hands on the cash.

With this much cash going through the books, I wonder if some will fall by the wayside?

John Winter,


Langley Times