Smoke and mirrors

Resident opposed to the spending of money for sports complex

From what I have read so far about the proposed sports complex at Okanagan College college in Coldstream, it seems it is being sold as an economic boom for Greater Vernon.

This complex will cost $7.5 million to build and ever-increasing amounts of our tax dollars to maintain, and will be utilized by a very small portion of our community.

The economic boom that is supposed to come from holding sporting events there has no basis in reality.

There is a lot of time, effort and money (ours) being spent to inform (convince) us of how beneficial this complex would be.

On the other hand, the proposed new art gallery in the centere of downtown Vernon would help to  bring in tourists to the downtown core who would then spend money in the restaurants, cafes, pubs and stores there. It would enhance the downtown core, teach children coping skills through the arts and increase out cultural profile.

But this proposal has been pushed aside, yet again, by near-sighted politicians who seem to lack vision of how to create a vibrant, thriving, living space for all of its citizens.

I trust that the tax-wise citizens of Vernon will be able to see through the smoke and mirrors of the highly politicized, incredibly costly, no return on our tax dollar complex and vote it down April 6.

Betty Morrison



Vernon Morning Star