Smokers under fire

In response to the story, "Penticton beaches soon to be off limits to smokers,” Way to go Penticton, drive some more tourists away

This is in response to the story “Penticton beaches soon to be off limits to smokers.”

Way to go Penticton, drive some more tourists away. Coun. Hopkin, you are correct, smoking is legal and it is our body. Coun. Litke, you are totally wrong, my body and lifestyle is my business and responsibility, not yours, stay out of it. I am 72 years old and would almost bet you go to a doctor more than I do, have not seen one other than on the street for six years.

When I am somewhere in the open air and a person sits down beside me, they are warned I am a smoker and if they don’t like it do not sit beside me. Same if I sit beside another, always ask if they object to smoking. This is going above and beyond what I have to do as I am not doing anything illegal. Just saying.

Alyce Coggan





Penticton Western News