Snoop Dogg not the kind of performer we should be promoting

Go ahead and look up Snoop Dogg's biography in Wikipedia

Snoop Dogg not the kind of performer we should be promoting

Snoop Dogg not the kind of performer we should be promoting

Subject: Snoop Dogg

Seriously, as an editor and paper that usually supports a Liberal agenda I was shocked when your front page was brazen enough with the picture of rapper Snoop Dogg, promoting his up and coming concert June 30 in the Cowichan Valley.

How is this in any form of the imagination a politically correct affiliation or promotion and encouragement to an area that has one of the highest crime and drug statistics in the southern end of Vancouver Island? Just recently a rapper named Nipsey Hussle was shot and killed at a venue down in the States; is that what you want to attract? Go ahead and look up Snoop Dogg’s biography in Wikipedia, it’s well known. Self-proclaimed pimp for the purpose of prostitution during 2003, almost charged in 1996 with voluntary manslaughter of another rapper.

An example of what he promotes and sings are easy to find, just look at the lyrics to one of his songs like ‘Vato’ and put it into your paper. I’m sure parents will be more than supportive for a mentor like this for their kids. Probably the most racist, violent, profanity laced garbage I’ve ever heard of.

The same date you printed another article about white supremacist propaganda and hate that I commend you for being against and would 100 per cent agree with you, but don’t pick and choose who to support just to appease your promotional advertisers. Hate comes in many forms; this is wrong on so many levels, especially on a day of celebration like Canada Day.

C. Carnes

Shawnigan Lake

Cowichan Valley Citizen