

Snowbirds bringing COVID-19 to B.C.?

This should be an election issue, a big one.

Snowbirds bringing COVID-19 to B.C.?

In recent days our government in this province has broadcast the resurgence of this pandemic COVID-19.

It is apparent people are again coming down with this malady and our government had the good Dr. Henry out in front pleading for rules of distancing and facial masks to be followed. The government spends thousands of dollars on television adds telling us no travel, no going out, stay home, isolate, no big groups — all to help protect us!

Then the same day another media centre reports that all the snowbirds from the eastern provinces who normally go to Florida are now booking all the trailer parks and camp sites in B.C. It reports that these sites are all booked full!

Oh, so this is OK? Import thousands of people from eastern provinces where the rate of COVID-19 is rampant and way higher than here and the government ignores any comment on this and now asks us to vote for people this negligent to our safety in the upcoming election.

Our BC Ferries posts notices of high volumes of travelers for the Thanksgiving Day weekend to Vancouver Island bringing thousands of new people here from other areas.

Is something wrong with this picture, or is the Horgan government just blowing smoke at us with all their presumed concerns?

Well I for one do not believe for one second that this government is doing anything to stop this kind of situations from occurring or this would not be allowed to happen. But I will remember this at voting time — this should be an election issue, a big one.

Larry Woodruff

Cowichan Valley

Cowichan Valley Citizen