So many great SOS programs

I was so pleased when Renata Sutherland agreed to come and speak to the Coronation Street Social Club of Oceanside.

I was so pleased when Renata Sutherland agreed to come and speak to the Coronation Street Social Club of Oceanside. We knew that the Society of Organized Services had opened up in Qualicum Commons and were curious to know what kind of services we could find there.

Our members come from both Parksville and Qualicum but other than doing (almost weekly) shops at the thrift store we didn’t have much knowledge of the organization. I and my club friends were amazed at the range covered by obviously caring and dedicated people.

Renata was a fountain of information. She spoke clearly and enthusiastically about the driver program, the Seniors are Talking program, the Meals on Wheels program, the Better at Home program, the Moms and Tots program and several others. She also described the assistance they can provide for people who just don’t know where to go and who to see for their specific issues. This one on one approach is worth its weight in gold.

The backbone of all this is the volunteers who give so generously of their time and their expertise. We should be proud to live in a community with such selfless neighbours. It is very easy to become a volunteer, too. Just join for a princely sum of $5, which gives you a lifetime membership, and you can be part of the team.

Gloria NovakHilliers

Parksville Qualicum Beach News