So much trouble for a stolen wallet

This letter is addressed to the person who stole my wallet from the counter of the Parksville Insurance Centre on Saturday, Sept. 3.

This letter is addressed to the person who stole my wallet from the counter of the Parksville Insurance Centre on Saturday, Sept. 3.

I’d just like to let you know a little about that day.

I had to rush my 26-year-old cat to the vet for treatment of a serious wound. As you can imagine, taking an animal to the vet, or even a child to the hospital, is very trying and emotional for everyone.

After the vet visit, I had to go to my insurance centre in downtown Parksville. After meeting with my agent, I accidentally left my wallet on the counter.  When I realized, shortly later, that I had left it there, I made a phone call. There was no sign of the wallet anywhere.

I am on disability. So, there may have been a very small about of cash and change.

What really hit hard, is my personal information, gone. My drivers licence, crucial, gone. I now have to somehow replace that, which will cost money. And I had to change my banking info.

I cannot drive my vehicle without a licence and living in Errington, you need a vehicle. Without any picture ID, or my birth certificate, I do not know if I will get my licence, or will have to wait and spend more time and money to obtain it again.

I spent a good hour, with a friend, and the help of my insurance agent, checking the street, checking garbage cans and planters in the area, to no avail.

I have started a file with the RCMP and the officer was kind enough to visit the scene as well.

I am pleading with you to return my ID, no questions asked. You could drop it off at the Errington post office.

My box number is 791 — just hand it to my postmaster in an envelope. No questions asked. Please return my ID.

Bonita H. CareyErrington

Parksville Qualicum Beach News