Soccer is life

Steve Arnett shares his impressions of the recent Mini World Cup.


Editor’s note: Steve Arnett sent us these impressions of the Mini World Cup.

Golden sunshine

Gentle breeze blowing

Air reverberating

With the sounds of pure joy


Hundreds of children

Out of breath

Overcome with laughter

Recovering from friendly contests

Amidst a full day of fun


Celebrating the innocence of childhood

On all of the pitches

Prepared by our good town staff

In hopes of a good time to be had by all


Superbly organized by our tireless Mid-Isle Club volunteers

A Parade of Nations celebrating our similarities

Embracing our differences

Sporting colours of the rainbow

Pulled out of 49th Parallel bags

Makes the Chronicle front page


Exhilarated by the friendly competition

Tiny Timbits teams race to be first at the Coast post

Or even better, the Jumparound slide

While in the distance, the smell of Lions cooking

Blends with a tantalizing promise at the mini donut stand


Under the watchful caring eye

Of the Red Serge

Standing proudly at attention


Along with soon-to-retire

Parks and Recreation Pat

Guardian of ball fields

Green space and playgrounds too


Welcomed to town

By Mayor Rob and council

Local merchants, residents,

Neighbours and friends


While coaches, parents and visitors alike

Comment one to another

“Driven by but never stopped

Never knew what was on First Avenue

Or up the hill


People are so friendly

Forrest Field is amazing

You get there on Jim Cram Drive

They have a trolley, how cute


Have you seen that ocean view?

Or rented a kayak

At Transfer Beach


All these years I’ve missed what a pretty town Ladysmith is

But I know now

We will certainly be back”


Later in the evening

Off for a savoury spaghetti dinner

Served up by smiling Eagles

Who call out reminders


As you leave

Full from the table

“We are serving breakfast too

On Mom’s Day

See you then”


On May 12 and 13

So many giving people of our wonderful town

Created a gift to all the rest of us

A testimonial event

To the promise of our future

Children at play

For the joy of the game

Soccer is life


Thank You Mid-Isle Soccer Club.

Steve Arnett


Ladysmith Chronicle