Social conscience needs a strong economy

The problem with most left-wingers is that they seem to feel that the money needed grows on trees.

Re: Phil Noel’s recent letter stating he prefers to be a socialist rather than having a corporate conscience.

I would like to think that most intelligent people also have a social conscience, but we must also have a very strong economy to be able to afford all the social programs necessary for everyone’s benefit.

The problem with most left-wingers is that they seem to feel that the money needed grows on trees, instead of having a great economy that can afford the taxes and donations required to help the less fortunate.

In short we must have both – a strong economy and a social conscience. One without the other just doesn’t work. But the NDP doesn’t understand this, and probably never will.

I would also like to respond to the nonsense stated regarding the fast ferries. Contrary to Mr. Noel’s belief, the fast ferries were taken out of service for two main reasons. First, they had an inherent design flaw that caused a huge wake behind the ferries that would destroy hundreds of miles of shoreline, and there were many complaints from people living near the shoreline that their property was being destroyed by the ferries.

Second, the ferries used an unusually large amount of fuel and the costs were prohibitive to keep them running. They were extremely inefficient. They were sold as scrap, as no one wanted to use them. They were not sold to a company trying to use them to compete with B.C. Ferries’ runs.


Derek Coughtrey


Surrey Now Leader