Social housing needed citywide

Re: Site unveiled for north-end social housing, Sept. 15.

To The Editor,

Re: Site unveiled for north-end social housing, Sept. 15.

While the announcement of the north-end location for supportive social housing is good news, it should have come far sooner.

Had it been, much of the discussion would have already taken place and in doing so shown respect to those living and working in the area.

By implementing supportive social housing in all areas of the community, Nanaimo continues moving forward toward the goal of decentralization.

Poverty is not simply located in one area of the city; all one has to do is open their eyes to the fact that Nanaimo has six satellite food banks dispersed throughout the city, all seeing increased use, to see this as fact.

Like poverty, addiction and homelessness are also not limited to any one area.

It has been proven that concentrating services and housing does not work; you only have to look to the Downtown Eastside in Vancouver or the problems faced in downtown Victoria as primary examples.

Do we want the same in Nanaimo?

Smaller scale, decentralized services have less impact. They do not ghettoize an area and offer greater dignity to those whom may have to avail themselves.

Nanaimo is poised at the forefront of change, an example to other communities on how to get it right.

We can continue to move forward or we can choose the status quo.

I for one choose to move forward.

Gordon W. Fuller


Nanaimo News Bulletin