SODC should stand on its own two feet

Like most I support the Shaw Ocean Discovery Centre. However, what is being lost in the discussion is management’s business plan.

Like most I support the Shaw Ocean Discovery Centre.  However, what is being lost in the discussion is management’s business plan.

With over 40 years running businesses I am very familiar with developing yearly business plans, projections, cash flow statements etc. It’s clear that all concerned knew that Sidney had agreed to financially support the center for the first five years at which point I assume it was felt the centre would be able to support itself financially.

What happened?

Management’s job is to execute the yearly plans as outlined and when there are discrepancies, to modify and develop new plans to achieve the desired financial goals.

If management is unable to achieve what has been agreed upon by all concerned then it’s time to make changes.

Giving the Centre more temporary support will not provide a permanent solution. We should be asking, if you failed to achieve your financial goals in the first five years why should we believe the next five will be any different?

What’s the plan, who’s monitoring the results, and who’s being held responsible?

Wayne Neville

North Saanich


Peninsula News Review