Solar power not a bright idea

This column touting the benefits of solar energy is highly misplaced and dangerous for us all.

To the Editor,

Re: Solar power becoming more affordable, Opinion, April 28.

This column touting the benefits of solar energy is highly misplaced and dangerous for us all.

Maybe if the columnist was discussing micro and home installations, but industrial-scale use of solar panels in B.C. is sheer folly. Look at the green energy policy in Ontario – a recent study concluded that Ontario has lost 300,000 jobs because of its Liberal government and its insistence on wind and solar power generation. Not to mention the skyrocketing cost of hydro to all consumers in that province.

Where does the columnist come up with “catastrophic global warming?” According to Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change studies, there has not been any rise in global temperatures for the last 15 years.

Calling the development of B.C.’s LNG sector “fruitless” is just anti-B.C. and anti-jobs.

Site C is this province’s best bet for the future for sustainable, non-polluting, renewable energy. Not subsidized solar or wind generation.

I would hope in the future that this publication takes a hard look at what rhetoric its columnists are spewing.

Paul KurbisNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin