Solutions carry cost

All the problems you list would cost enormous amounts of money, and where is that to come from? From taxes of course

Re: the letter “Youth can shape future”: I agree, yes you can, if you will get out and vote, given the pathetic turnout at the polls, instead of getting involved in protest demonstrations with no clear direction and which do absolutely nothing.

And furthermore let’s keep things in perspective. Where are your examples of all the corruption, etc.? Do you expect the government to force all these issues? Do you want a dictatorship?

To say that governments only do things to get re-elected is ridiculous. Are the new hospitals in Vernon and Kelowna, the new highway in Lake Country, the millions of dollars put out for medicare and much more just electioneering? The truth is that being in public is a very tough job and not to be envied.

Our economy is subject to many forces beyond our or the government’s control. We live in a free society and you better be thankful that you live in a country like Canada. Sure, there are inequities and nothing is perfect, but let’s be fair.

All the problems you list would cost enormous amounts of money, and where is that to come from? From taxes of course, and then you would be complaining. Society at large is doing a great job of addressing many problems such as the food bank, church’s aid organizations, all kinds of charities, skid-row centres and a huge number of volunteers. That is where you should be putting your efforts. Think again!

Walter Goerzen





Penticton Western News