Some assembly may be required

There are three words often heard at this time of the year that strike fear into the hearts of fathers everywhere.

There are three words often heard at this time of the year that strike fear into the hearts of fathers everywhere.

Those three words can crush the spirit of even the most capable dad.

Those words are, ‘some assembly required.’

How many fathers have tried to do the ‘assembly required’ only to break the present or never getting it to work properly?

Ahh…the fun of Christmas.

It can certainly be enjoyable at Christmas time — opening the presents from underneath the decorated tree and, especially, watching the faces of the youngsters light up as they unwrap the gifts with their name on it.

I remember one Christmas as a small boy in Indian Head, Saskatchewan.

My uncles made a phone call to our house and pretended to be Santa and asking what would I like for Christmas.

That call got me really excited and then on Christmas Eve I was told I had to go to sleep so Santa would come to our house.

My uncles got on top of our house and did all the noises and sounds that would come from a reindeer and Santa.

Didn’t take long for me to go to sleep after that…even though I was so excited.

It’s funny I can remember that time so many years ago, when Santa came to our house.

Yes, Christmas is a special time for children and many of us remember those merry times.

I also had to go to church and take my part in a Christmas play about the birth of Jesus and sing carols … My singing was pretty bad, but fortunately there were others with me who did have a singing voice.

Those memories as a child and the memories of our own son at Christmas time will last me forever.

I hope you have good thoughts about those days when you couldn’t wait for Santa to come to your house with presents.

Another plus at Christmas are the cards and letters from relatives and friends, some who you have not heard from since last year at this time.

I like the cards home made by children as they always make this time of the year, happier.

Christmas is a great time of the year with lots of smiles on faces and happiness in the heart.

Merry Christmas!

May the true spirit of the season be with you!

Ken Wilson is a freelance columnist with the Tribune/Advisor.


Williams Lake Tribune