Some cyclists sport bad attitudes

Not one of these cyclist stopped at the stop sign at McNeil and Henderson

On Monday around 11 a.m. my wife and I were out for a walk with our dogs. We saw a group of a dozen or more adult cyclists with their leader near Carnarvon Park.

Not one of these cyclist stopped at the stop sign at McNeil and Henderson, rather they all turned left from McNeil to Henderson, many without signalling. They did not even have the courtesy to stop and let us cross the intersection. Their attitude was epitomized when one commented in a loud voice “ We have as much right to be here as they do.”

This was in reference to the poor motorists stuck behind them.

We know that there are bad drivers, bad pedestrians and bad cyclists, but all too often we see a very poor attitude from cyclists like this where some cyclists do not feel traffic signs apply to them and everyone in their way is in the wrong.

Jeff and Pam Barnett

Oak Bay




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