Some dog owners need obedience lessons

As someone who is just starting to enjoy his retirement in Victoria, there are some things that I find hard to get used to

As someone who is just starting to enjoy his retirement in Victoria, there are some things that I find hard to get used to as I move around the city.

While I appreciate that most dog owners clean up after their pets by collecting and disposing, there is a breed of owner out there that still doesn’t get it, and, oddly enough, it isn’t those who flout the regulations and leave it lying for others to walk through.

Nothing but a good hefty fine  will ever change their wretched behaviour for the better. Rather, it is those owners who scoop, bag and then drop it on pavement for others to have contend with that really puzzle and irk me.

Perhaps, these are the benighted ones who just don’t understand that there is one more step in completing the process.

Putting animal waste in a bag for others to have to dispose of is not being a good citizen even if you have got it half right.

Ian Mallcomson





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