Hugs & Slugs

Hugs & Slugs

Some Hugs & Slugs, until the smoke clears

Hugs: huge hugs to the General Manager and his coworker of Dollarama in the Tamarack Mall, for picking up and getting my client Don seated back into his electric wheelchair, when he tipped over and fell out on our way to his morning coffee break. Without their help I would have had to call the ambulance. They stayed to be sure he was okay and even helped look for the control knob. Thanks again, ever so much.

Hugs: huge hugs to the General Manager and his coworker of Dollarama in the Tamarack Mall, for picking up and getting my client Don seated back into his electric wheelchair, when he tipped over and fell out on our way to his morning coffee break. Without their help I would have had to call the ambulance. They stayed to be sure he was okay and even helped look for the control knob. Thanks again, ever so much.

Hugs: To the wonderful volunteers at the Cellar thrift store. You are doing a fantastic job keeping us safe! Thank you for your efforts and for all being so lovely!

Slugs: To the inconsiderate bike riders who fail to warn walkers when approaching from behind them!

Hugs: To the cashiers at customer service at the Superstore — Jen, Marianne, Theresa, Shauna, Deb. They always are very courteous and helpful.

Slugs: Shame on the city of Cranbrook for removing the long awaited speed sign on 7th Avenue South in front of the Gyro play park. In the short time the sign was in place there was a very noticeable difference in the speed of passing vehicles. Since the removal of the sign the speed is back at its usual drag strip speed. Is the safety of our playgrounds at least as important as our school grounds?. A permanent digital speed sign has been installed at Amy Woodland School and I wish at least the same can be done at each and every playground before someone becomes seriously injured. Summer time temporary speed bumps could be an option.

Hugs: A huge hug and thank you to Jason, my neighbour, who comes by with his ‘big green machine’ and cleans out both of my driveways. People like you are a blessing.

Hugs: A kind thank you to Bob at Cranbrook Photo, who solved my camera battery dilemma earlier this week. It’s great to have a professional camera shop locally. Let us support same.

Hugs: Big big hugs to businesses who use compostable plastic bags … two of which are Max’s Place and the Heidout.

Slugs: To the cosmetic salesperson who begrudgingly ended her personal phone conversation to give some service. The sale was small — but almost a No Sale.

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Cranbrook Townsman