Some parting thoughts about Langley politics

Democracy will only be preserved by standing up to the status quo — elected or otherwise.

Editor: We finally broke ties with Langley Township after 40 years. We have sold our home in Aldergrove and are moving to Bradner in Abbotsford.

It’s time to reflect on the two Langleys. Instead of common sense, we have organized disarray for someone’s gain We also have a lot of congestion and confusion. Abbotsford is not exempt from this syndrome.

We are in the process of restoring my wife’s parents’ mobile home to today’s standards. We stripped it to the walls, upgraded everything to 2013 standards and added a gable roof to make it modern and appealing. That’s precisely what needs to be done to our Canadian constitution.

I recently read the book The Big Shift, which contains thoughts on future Canadian trends. I am concerned about the attitude of deterioration in our communities. We have become victims of inadequate political management, with little planning for responsible outcomes. The name of the game is manipulate and tax, tax, tax.

Bradner is very rural, but is seen as a cash cow for city hall. This is tolerated, because many people don’t care. The press must point out inadequacies and hold these people to at least some accountability.

Some politicians in the Township of Langley have used the press for their own purposes — people like Councillor Kim Richter and Councillor Grant Ward.

Council and the administration must be challenged to keep our stewards in line — for the good of all.

I wish to thank you for publishing my letters over the years. I believe that our democracy will only be preserved by standing up to the status quo — elected or otherwise.

Harvey D. Schultz,


Langley Times