Some people not getting it about COVID-19
Not a day goes by without hearing, reading or seeing something about the coronavirus. Daily advices are broadcasted and yet some people still don’t get it!
OK, some people may have a problem understanding what’s going on and how much they contribute to the spread of this disease if they don’t adhere to the given directions. Some feel that there is no choice for them; they are homeless and depend on handouts to get from cheque to cheque. And yes there are those addicted to drugs and may not see the dangers they are exposing themselves to and others. I’m sad to see this happening and sad that with many strikes against them already there is a grim future ahead for them.
It angers me therefore when I receive information of some private jet owners landing on their private strips and not abiding by the self isolation rules. I wonder if they feel above the law when they fly in from contaminated areas abroad with their families, crew and personnel and bypass the imposed rules? Has it ever occurred to them what behaviour they model to their children, their colleagues and their employees? Have they thought of possible contamination of everybody they are in touch with? I find this behaviour ignorant, self serving and short sighted! Shame on you! As CEO or whatever your titles may be, you have the responsibility to safeguard your families and your employees. A human life is far more important than the almighty dollar!
Enough said! Take care and stay healthy.
Judy van der Boom
Mill Bay