Some superhero intervention

Superheroes appear unexpectedly, and usually just in the nick of time.

Aaron Francis

Aaron Francis

Superheroes follow a strict code of conduct.

Always act with integrity. Look for opportunities to do good works at all times. Use your powers wisely. Don’t forget your cape.

Superheroes appear unexpectedly, and usually just in the nick of time. In fact, just recently, some superheroes were spotted right here at the library. Whether those were capes they wore or hand knit shawls, I’m still not certain, but there they were, flying in to save the day in our time of need.

Every year for many years running, our library—like many others across the country–has been the recipient of a Canada Summer Jobs grant that enables us to hire a local student to coordinate our popular Summer Reading Club program. In recent years, many libraries have not had their application approved and had to cancel or restructure their program at the last minute. This year, it was our turn–while we did receive a smaller secondary grant to support some outreach activities, our primary grant request was not approved.

Faced with having to cancel or drastically downsize this wonderful program, we seriously needed some superhero intervention. But who were these caped crusaders, these masked marvels, these dynamic do-gooders swooping in to save the day?

Why, none other than the Friends of the Library, that unbeatable band of booklovers who by day sort through books to deliver to seniors’ homes and sell at library fundraisers, and by night keep alive our kids’ dreams to explore new universes through reading all summer long.

This year, it is thanks to the hard work and generosity of the Friends of the Library that we will be able to offer our Summer Reading Club program. If the Friends do not leap tall buildings like some superheroes, at least let us say that they inspire all of us to take the superhero code of conduct to heart.

On a related note, the Friends will hold a two-day Spring Book Sale on June 2-3 at the library, with a very special Garden Tea planned on June 3 from 1pm-3pm in the library garden. Books are available by donation. I, for one, will be giving a little extra this year.

Speaking of fictional characters, my family and I recently attended a Beauty and the Beast showing at the Tivoli Theatre, and I was so gratified with how the film celebrated books and libraries. Call me biased, but I figure that future princesses and princes would be wise to follow Belle’s example: before slipping on that ring, ask to see his or her library card!

Reading isn’t just for poets and dreamers. Billionaire businessman Warren Buffet suggests, “Read 500 pages every day. That’s how knowledge works. It builds up like compound interest”. Bill Gates said, “I really had a lot of dreams when I was a kid, and I think a great deal of that grew out of the fact that I had a chance to read a lot.”. Albert Einstein said, “The only thing you absolutely have to know is the location of the library”.

Reading builds character and strength of mind, helps you continually acquire new knowledge throughout your entire life, and has tangible health benefits that lead to a longer and healthier life.

Summer Reading Club 2017 starts July 11. We will have registered and drop-in activities, special guests, medals and prizes, and more. Check our website for more information as it becomes available:

Happy reading!

Aaron Francis is the Chief Librarian at Creston Valley Public Library. He is currently reading The Ploughmen by Kim Zupan.



Creston Valley Advance