Some thoughts about rezoning in Comox

Dear editor,

Re: Proposed park dedication and rezoning.

Dear editor,

Re: Proposed park dedication and rezoning.

I attended the March 5 open house in respect to the proposed park dedication and rezoning and have concerns as follows.

1. The Comox OCP supports a “comprehensive park system that provides natural habitat and wildlife connectivity as well as active recreation opportunities for the community.” The intersection of Comox and Anderton is very busy and potentially dangerous. Encouraging more deer crossing in this area does not make sense, neither does adding even more pedestrians and cyclists to the mix.

2. Carthew Creek is not a natural fish habitat — it is a runoff.  Chlorinated water and soap from the nearby car wash runs into it . A number of years ago, the car wash had a soap spill. The suds in the creek were as high as the neighbour’s garage roof … he has a picture of it. You can check the creek almost any day and see evidence of soap. Never seen a fish, though.

3. If Carthew Creek must be protected, a chain link fence would do the job. An easement on the properties on either side would suffice … this is done in Courtenay and seems to work well.

4. An off-street “trail” would be next door to us and the increased pedestrian and cyclist traffic (and probably skateboarders) would interfere with the “quiet enjoyment” of our property.

5. If the current proposal is carried out, It is obvious the Town would have to purchase the property at 1995 Comox Ave. at considerably more expense to the taxpayers. The Town has already spent $650,000 on 1988 Beaufort Ave., and acquiring 1995 Comox Ave. to facilitate the “off-street” trail would cost as much or more. That’s well over a million taxpayer dollars for something nobody really needs or wants.

6. 1988 Beaufort Ave. should be sold and the funds put towards a sidewalk on the south side of Comox Avenue connecting Ellis and Rodello. This is not just a matter of convenience but a matter of safety for those residents who must use the intersection on a regular basis.

Joyce Hallowell,



Comox Valley Record