Hugs and Slugs

Hugs and Slugs

Some vox populi to welcome the autumn

Hugs and Slugs

Slugs: A big slug for the person who hit a spotted fawn the morning of August 31, left it in the middle of the road, didn’t move it to the side of the road, didn’t call the RAP hotline. What a terrible thing to do. You just left it in the middle of the road, it was awful!

Slugs: To all of the speeding drivers that ignore the 60 km per hour speed limit on 38th Ave. South as they roar up and down at excessive speeds. This morning another fawn became a fatality of the carnage along Hwy 38.

This is callous contempt for a beautiful living creature. Someone knows they hit this fawn that has been part of our daily experience since the spring. You didn’t bother to stop and put the suffering animal out of its misery. Where it lay on my property indicated that it had been there for some time suffering.

I’m appalled at the disrespect for this living creature!

It is ridiculous the speeding that takes place day and night along this rural road. It is not a highway, it is a rural road with wildlife, people walking their dogs, people riding horses, kids and adults on bicycles, folks out for a walk, or jog, and so on. Slow down and be more respectful of living creatures!

Slugs: To the noise that comes from the pickleball courts that wakes us up EVERY morning. Some people work nights and need to sleep during the day. Maybe installing a sound barrier would be a good idea.

Hugs: To the members of the Cranbrook Pickleball Club. They have done significant fundraising and donated countless volunteer hours of work to clean up and restore the condemned tennis courts at Kinsmen Park. They went above and beyond with the clean up of the creekside and the new paved pathways. I have since seen a wedding, grad photos and many more people enjoying this new beautified area. What an asset to the City and it’s great to see so many people staying active and social, playing Pickleball.

Slugs: To the neighbour who calls Bylaw about things in the back of a truck and us parking in front of our own house. Bylaw says we’re fine. We’re allowed to load whatever we want as long as it’s in our vehicle. I’m sorry you feel it’s an eyesore. Instead of calling Bylaw and the neighborhood you could speak with us directly. We can’t exactly know it’s bothering anyone until Bylaw shows if you say nothing.

Hugs: Hugs and thank you to the people that have chosen to step up and wear a mask to help stop the spread of COVID 19. They can be uncomfortable but your thoughtfulness for others is appreciated and valued.

Slugs: To those that have chosen to disregard others safety and not wear a mask or clean hands before shopping to help stop the spread of Covid 19.

Slugs: To the businesses that have done almost nothing to help stop this pandemic from visiting your homes. A table with a small bottle of hand sanitizer but no barriers for staff or customer. I hope your carelessness for others doesn’t result in spreading this around to the vulnerable amongst us or worse yet, affects you personally! Or your own vulnerables at home. Be kind and be helpful rather than thoughtless.

Slugs: Not sure who to slug – the sawmill, the lumber yard, surely not the logger… During COVID many people have taken this time to do renovations and take care of other “handyman” duties. We have spent a fair bit of time buying fence boards – There are times when we go through half the lift trying to find enough decent boards for a project – other times we have had to wait a week for the next truck to bring in new lumber.

During this time the price per board has risen considerably – Often, no matter how careful, once they are home, we find we have paid top dollar for cracked, warped, or lumber perfect for building around corners.

I come from a long line of Loggers, worked half my career in Administration in the Lumber industry and I now understand why the Japanese Clients flew to British Columbia to check out the J Grade lumber before it was shipped out.

Hugs: To a very kind female patient in EKH X-ray dept, Aug. 28th, who came to help me put my sweater on. I was bruised and sore so much from a fall I couldn’t use my hands and was shaking with cold.

Her gesture made me feel cared for. I remember she had bandages on from her own incident so I’m doubly appreciative.Thank goodness for kind hearted people like her.

Slugs: The two drivers on Saturday, September 5th, on Victoria Avenue. Both vehicles cut in front of an ambulance with the sirens and lights on. You also must have had some place important to be. Shame on you may would have been a different story if you had a family member in the ambulance, every second counts.

Hugs: Big Hugs to the City Worker (I think) who I see walking 14th Avenue South, daily picking up trash. It is something no one thinks about but sure notice when there is garbage cluttering the streets. Cranbrook is a clean beautiful city thanks to this unsung hero, doing a great job.

Hugs: Thank you to City staff for providing great service to the residents of Cranbrook, you are doing a great job! Thank you

Slugs: To the people of Kimberley who continue with their construction noise on Sundays and Statutory Holidays contrary to City of Kimberley Bylaws. We are supposed to be outside enjoying the holidays and distancing. Impossible because of these people making all this noise!

Hugs: To the three gentlemen who stopped to offer help when I fell on 11th ave and 11 street last Sunday evening. Their concern reminded me that there’s still a lot of love and kindness in this world of ours. Thank you!

Slugs: To the guy who forgot to check the plug in his boat at Premier Lake and sank it, but Big Hugs to all the guys who literally jumped in to retrieve the boat (from rescuing gas tanks, seats, oars etc to helping turn the boat back upright and getting it out of the water)… Paul, Steve, J.H., Dave, Robert & Steve. It certainly put our faith back into humanity and makes us very grateful that we live in the East Kootenays where everyone has such a great sense of community & caring!

Hugs: We had a major water main rupture in our neighbourhood and the city crew had to shut off the water in the middle of the afternoon. I had been doing some hard digging in the yard to remove stumps and my wife said I had to sleep in the shed since I couldn’t shower before going to bed. Serious hugs to the city crew who worked well into the night and got the water back for the neighbourhood, and saved me from a night in the shed! Well done pals!

Slugs: To the federal government for taking this country down a dark path. It took two decades to recover from the then record debt that the last Trudeau Liberal government burdened this country with. And how many chances does “this Trudeau” get? It’s time to get him out before more damage is done. We are headed down the same path as Venezuela has followed. Non-stop government corruption and economic mismanagement need to stop now.

Send Hugs and Slugs to

Cranbrook Townsman

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