South Okanagan students show speaking skills

Burga Black of Summerland and Penticton Rebekah Assembly of B.C. gives kudos to students

The United Nations Pilgrimage for Youth Speak Off on Feb. 10 featured competitors: Lindy Warnock, Katherine Harris, Jonathan Hack and Gabriel Panis of Princess Margaret Secondary; Taylor Graham Jelayna and Murdock of Pen High; and Joe Stead of Summerland Secondary. The judges were Ann Kemp (Summerland) Sharon Cartmel and D.A. Cole (Penticton). The winner of the competition was Gabriel Panis. The runner up was Taylor Graham.

It is to be noted that all these students did a remarkable job with their presentations. All information was well researched. Sad to say the Rebekahs and Odd Fellows only have funds to send one student per district (at the time of this speak off, others were being conducted in Vancouver and Victoria and Unity ). One student from each lodge will be picked to attend the UN trip to New York in July.

Faith Rebekah Lodge #32 of Summerland and Penticton would like to express their continued gratitude to these students for participating — to the vice-principals of the three secondary schools for their continued assistance (especially Mrs. S. Richardson who has been so faithful in promoting this tour for the last five years). Without the participation of the lodges, and the vice-principals of these schools, it would be impossible for us to offer this once in a lifetime adventure for these students. Please accept our continued heartfelt thanks and appreciation for your ongoing assistance and participation each year so at least one student from the Okanagan will receive this opportunity (we are getting close to our 70th Anniversary of this UN Pilgrimage for Youth trip). So you see many have had this wonderful opportunity and we pray many more will avail themselves of participating. Many, many thanks to all involved.

Burga Black

Rebekah Assembly of B.C.

Faith Rebekah Lodge No. #32

Penticton Western News