South terminal very convenient

An open letter to:

Hawkair General Manager Rod Hayward

Hawkair Marketing Director Darryl Tucker

Dear Sirs:

I was also recently surprised to learn that Hawkair is moving its Vancouver operations from the South Terminal at YVR to the main terminal. A quote from the online edition of The Terrace Standard three days ago ran, “…we just looked at the long-term growth potential, and the convenience of the main terminal.”

The main terminal is not convenient. Well I have been a customer or yours for many years and have promoted your company to my office mates for your very convenient, on-time and friendly service from the south terminal.

Your excellent service and location are one reason why I and now our company do not fly Air Canada Jazz. The screw ups at the main terminal have cost our company money as our employees luggage goes missing all the time on the local flight we take. (Hawkair will not be in control of luggage loading at the main terminal.)

I was raised in Terrace and worked for the local airline called Trans Provincial Airlines as it was then known. My family also lives in Terrace and run businesses there. The always give their business to Hawkair as they also like your great service and the more relaxed atmosphere and ease of passenger handling at the south terminal.

It is nice to not have to walk a marathon to get to the gates which they love to place at the farthest end of the building for the local riff raff like us, the local BC passengers. As for growth opportunities, I may be missing something, but Pacific Coastal Airlines certainly has grown at the South Terminal.

I and three other of our employees will be travelling to Terrace in the next week to work for a large client in Terrace and we do not want the expense of another Air Canada Jazz screw up that we had last summer coming out of the main terminal.

A simple AC Jazz flight that one of our employees took against my wishes for them to fly Hawkair and they lost the luggage and it cost us a shift at a major client we worked for in Kitimat. Did you know that almost all flights leaving the main terminal are late getting off the ground. Well they are!

Aside from business I also fly up to Terrace to visit my elderly mother and my sister and her family. The south terminal is very convenient for passenger drop off and pick up as there is not the continuous jostle for parking in front of the main terminal or working your way around the endless construction. It is even difficult to get the shuttles in to pick you up. I usually drop my vehicle off at Park and Fly and shuttle over the south terminal to catch your flights.

Please don’t screw up a good thing and remain at the south terminal. Do what it takes to back out of the move to the main terminal. We love to support our local airlines but this move it a blow to us your loyal customers and it is NOT convenient for us.

Thank you and I hope you take our words to heart.

Brian Lennan,

Port Coquitlam, BC

Terrace Standard