Spallumcheen process

Resident pleased, but disappointed, with the decision of township council

I sincerely thank Spallumcheen council and staff for taking time to consider the electric car plug-in for which I lobbied. While their answer is not surprising, it is disappointing. It’s obvious Spallumcheen council understands and cares. Their well researched  answer is exactly a responsible one, financially speaking. I am part in parcel of comprehending fossil fuel’s atmospheric damage conundrum. The Paris resolve is our template.

As a worker towards change, I understand well the difficulties encountered for change. I have discovered legislated law is faltering.

I also understand today’s headlines about anthropogenic-caused climate change were delayed by roughly 10 years. I also understand many organizations are in disarray.   Things are different and difficult these days. Very different comparatively to past times. Change will not come easy; in fact it must come. This is a lesson of life today I follow.  This too shall pass and then, quality of life in the longer term will be better than ever as I see it. That will mean clean water and fresh air. Planet health equals human health.

This exercise in public awareness is of course of the greatest value of all.  So it is when working toward planet health. We raised our voice, who else is next?

I thank you Spallumcheen council and staff.

David R. Derbowka



Vernon Morning Star