Myself, friends and many others like to travel the back roads from Vernon to Armstrong on our bicycles. Some roads are in very good condition while others are not so much.
Any time there is an interview with various members in authority to fix any problems regarding upgrading of these roads the pat answer is always, there just doesn’t seem to be any money in the budget.
That seems a fair comment, and when it comes to bicycle riders: who cares what they may say, anyway. So we ride, ever mindful of the potholes along the way.
The other day, we were riding along Otter Lake Cross Road and, lo and behold, there, between the turn-off to the auction yard and Crozier Road was a paving crew re-doing the pavement.
So why do I mention this? Shouldn’t I be happy a road is actually getting paved? Well I’d like to think Eagle Rock Road may be next. Tell me why that can’t be paved especially when you realize that portion of Otter Lake Cross Road was in the best riding condition of any road from St Anne’s Road to Larkin Cross Road to Pleasant Valley Cross Road to Powerhouse Road, etc.
There also isn’t any point to ask why as everyone of these people is extremely well versed in the art of buck passing.
It is always someone else’s area of responsibility. I point this out just in case you think there is openness when it comes to local government. I won’t get my hopes up as I don’t want disappointment raining on my parade as Mother Nature seems to be pretty good at it all by herself lately.
Bob Johnston