Spallumcheen transit off course

Resident concerned about changes to route along Highway 97A

Re; recent reconfigurations and upgrades on Highway 97A between Larkin Cross Road and the turnoff to Pleasant Valley Road involving twin roundabouts and new access roads.


As reported in  your paper, “The residents in mobile home parks along the east side of the highway no longer have direct access to the #60 route.

The reconfiguration means there is no longer a safe pull over area for the bus.”


So what this means to myself and other residents of Twin Firs Mobile Park is we now get dropped off at the Spallumcheen council office which is about one mile north from the Twin Firs park on the west side of 97A, even though there is a safer exit and pick-up on the Larkin Cross Road off-ramp.

I am a pensioner and I visit my son who lives in Twin Firs.

I had to cross 97A and walk the one mile back to Twin Firs. Even in a vehicle it would be a daunting task.

In the B.C. Transit time table, it states that safety is a big consideration and if the driver is informed, a safe exit will be provided.

We tried to talk to one of the drivers about our problem but we were informed that, “If we deviate from the the set route, we will be terminated.”

So safety and ourselves take a back seat. Maria Lockley, senior transit planner, lays out the cost projections for times and costs for the pick-ups and drop-offs for the communities on the east side and Tolko, and then negatively states, “That the proposed changes would not likely increase ridership to justify the expenditure.”

We had a safe drop off before.

All we are asking is to give it back. Route #60 will get ridership if you provide stops where we, as passengers, can get on and off safely.


Larry Slater




Vernon Morning Star