Spare me the socialistic disease

Dear editor,

"Ms. Clark, in objecting to the Northern Gateway pipeline, has noted that it is not popular with B.C. voters.

Dear editor,

A National Post article reports that “Ms. Clark, in objecting to the Northern Gateway pipeline, has noted that it is not popular with B.C. voters.

“But more than 50 per cent of voters said they’d be fine with the refinery, even though it would mean having a pipeline, too.

“So, like Ms. Clark, they object to the pipeline, but not the refinery, even though the refinery can’t operate without the pipeline.”

Ms. Clark, as a dyed-in-the-wool politician, makes this scenario perfect sense to most B.C. voters, particularly those that

have the socialistic/free ride disease, that is, wanting it all but refusing to pay the piper.

And, of course, this idiocy is shared with the other party, the NDP.  B.C. as usual is going to get the government they deserve — could not happen to a finer bunch.

I have been in Alberta for five years, but am returning to B.C. in 2014. My greatest wish is that the B.C. voters wake up to the

real world instead of sliding deeper into the Albertan perception of  their Wet Coast neighbours.

Returning to the asylum may have the better weather, but spare me the disease.

Mel Garden,

Stony Plain, Alta.

Editor’s note: Mel Garden is a former Comox Valley resident.

Comox Valley Record