SPCA needed so long as humans mistreat animals

The SPCA will outlive its usefulness when humans stop putting animals in danger and distress.

In answer to Kristie Davis’s letter re: SPCA

The SPCA will outlive its usefulness when humans stop putting animals in danger and distress.

Like humans, animals feel fear, pain, hunger, distress, loneliness and love.

What animals do not have is the power of speech, reasoning and common sense, giving humans power over them.

Not all, but many of the “vulnerable humans in our society” put themselves there because they did not use their power of speech, reasoning and common sense. We share this world with animals and birds and I think they deserve their share of our taxes and charity.

Gandhi quote “The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”


Daryl Doskocil


Cowichan Valley Citizen