Letter writer Kathleen Higgins is urging residents to make their voices heard regarding the North Delta Draft Area Plan. A public open house is being held tonight.

Letter writer Kathleen Higgins is urging residents to make their voices heard regarding the North Delta Draft Area Plan. A public open house is being held tonight.

Speak up for North Delta

For anyone who can’t attend the open house, please email NorthDelta@delta.ca to express your views.

As a longtime resident of North Delta, I urge everyone to attend the open house tonight (March 11) at Sungod Arena from 4-8 p.m. and give feedback on the North Delta Draft Area Plan.

For anyone who can’t attend the open house, please email NorthDelta@delta.ca to express your views.

First-time home buyers and seniors need compact, affordable, home ownership options with no strata fees.

Please add your voice to those of us asking the North Delta Area Plan Review Committee to change the Draft Area Plan so that when a house on a 66-foot lot is demolished anywhere in North Delta, the lot can be split in two, and two compact homes can be built on each new 33-foot lot, including an accessible unit for seniors.

The Draft Area Plan shows little change for most areas west of 112 Street. The result will be that large, unaffordable houses will continue to replace every demolished house in those areas.

All of North Delta needs a variety of affordable home ownership options. The “Neighbourhood Rejuvenation” designation for areas east of 112 Street should be extended to all of North Delta.


Kathleen Higgins


Surrey Now Leader