Special events policy needed

To the editor:

The issue of using Birch Avenue for special events comes up time and again.

Event organizers work hard to provide activities for our community that provide not only entertainment, but also positive economic opportunities for merchants in 100 Mile House.

Having a clear policy and procedure for hosting events on Birch Avenue would solve the problem of event organizers being caught in the middle of merchants who have opposing views on this issue.

Other communities have a special events policy and permit procedure that is clear. The policy states what is allowable for types of activities, closure times and requirements for sanitation, litter, crowd control and parking, etc.

Not only would the event organizers have a guideline to follow, the merchants would have to abide by the policy as well, thereby eliminating the go-around that happens each time a group plans to hold a special event.

The street physically belongs to the District of 100 Mile House, so that’s where this needs to be addressed.

Input from the merchants and the South Cariboo Chamber of Commerce would ensure that once in place, the policy would work for the majority of those involved.


Chuck Douglas, 108 Mile Ranch

100 Mile House Free Press