Special needs kids are truly special

Our government has a responsibility to all kids, not just the gifted. After all, they are all society’s children.

Editor: They are referred to as “special needs kids,” because that’s what they need — special care, attention and time.

Every child has potential, no matter what level of disability they may have.  That potential can be drawn out by special teachers who can educate and spend time finding it.

Also, giving them encouragement and confidence in something they can do, can make a huge difference in their future.  Even the severely mentally challenged kids are special too, they deserve the very best care we can give them.

Placing these “special needs” kids in a classroom, where they  fall behind and are left more vulnerable, is just wrong.  Our government has a responsibility to all kids, not just the gifted.  After all, they are all society’s children.

I’m with the teachers in this part of the dispute. Shouldn’t you be?

Lenora Nicholson,

Langley City

Langley Times