Special needs student voices opinion on teachers’ strike

Dear editor,

Hi my name is Julia.

I am a Grade 11 student at Navigate powered by NIDES North Island Distance Education School. I am writing this letter in response to the teachers’ strike.

I both agree and disagree with the teachers. I agree that every human being has the right to stand up for what they believe in. What I have a problem with is how it affects others. The teachers going on strike affects students by taking away certain things that mean a lot to the students. It even means a lot to some of the teachers. I believe that this strike is hurting both students and teachers.

One of the issues that the teachers talk about is classroom size and composition. I agree that there are too many students in classrooms. I disagree that it is because of students with special needs. EVERYONE HAS SPECIAL NEEDS!!!

This is a label that is being used by teachers to get more help. As a student labeled as special needs I resent being used. There are many things that I can do myself and there are also many things that labeled normal students need help with. Instead of using any student, I think we should look at each classroom needing support – this way no one is being used and support is being provided for everyone!

Another thing that bothers me is how all teachers are being made to do things when they don’t all want to. The government has told teachers they can’t be on school grounds for certain times each day. This affects teachers as not all of them want to leave – not every teacher agrees with the strike.

I believe that we, the students should have rights too. I have the right to have a teacher teach me. I have the right to support — not because I have special needs, but because I am a human being! I believe the government has the responsibility to provide me with support so that I can learn and grow up so that I can work and take care of my responsibilities to society.

I come to school and am expected to my job which is to learn. I believe teachers need to come to school and do their job which is to teach. I also believe the government needs to do its job which is to support the educational system.

Let’s all do our jobs!!!




Comox Valley Record