Special Olympics BC seeks Clearwater volunteers

I am writing this note in hopes that a few good people in your community may be able to step forward and donate a few hours

I am writing this note in hopes that a few good people in your community may be able to step forward and donate a few hours of their time a month to our small group that exists in Clearwater.

In the last three years Special Olympics BC – Clearwater has a dedicated coach who has dutifully trained four to six athletes in both curling and bocce. This coach would like to continue this Spring with bocce and see these local athletes get the chance to compete with their peers. However, in order for this to continue we need three people who will come together and form the Executive Board (local coordinator, secretary, and treasurer) with the guidance and support of a Special Olympics BC staff person. A male sport volunteer would also aid our female coach. Attending one hour a week during bocce (May – July) and travelling to one competition per season.

We are not looking to grow, we just need to maintain so these athletes have an opportunity to continue their sports. It would mean holding 10 meetings a year to tend to the business which would be minimal surrounding these sports.

I am willing to discuss, teach and guide any new volunteers in order for this group to continue.

Fingers crossed,

Leslie Thornley

manager, Community Development

Special Olympics BC

Clearwater Times