Speed changes

Letter writer wants residents to be aware of traffic changes in the Okanagan Landing area

Just in case you have not noticed, I’d like to mention a recent change to the speed sign on Okanagan Landing Road by Ellison Elementary School.

There used to be a 30-kilometre school zone sign. It has now been removed and changed to, “Please Watch for Children.”

With that said, the speed through there is 50 kilometres and yes, watch for children, animals, adults and cyclists too.

Not only there but always everywhere.

The second change is along Tronson Road, between Okanagan Landing and Lakeshore roads. The speed has been changed to 50 kilometres.

Why, heaven only knows. People are still speeding excessively down there. Nobody does 50 kilometres and I feel it should be put back to 60 kilometres.

That’s just my opinion because I live down that road.


Patti Mondor




Vernon Morning Star