Speed enforcement is needed along Goldstream Avenue

Re. Playground for speeding tickets
Langford Lake Area residents welcome the RCMP to our neighbourhood.

Langford Lake Area residents welcome the RCMP to our neighbourhood.

We just wish they could come more often and in another location further down Goldstream Avenue along the lake.

Each day residents along the lake take their lives in their hands turning in and pulling out of their driveways and side roads. We are constantly tailgated and honked at for driving the posted 30 to 50 km/h speed limit.

Early morning and end of the day drivers speed through the area with little regard for anyone trying to pull off or onto Goldstream.

Unfortunately, the City of Langford engineering department recently told me there are no immediate plans for a southbound access from the Trans-Canada Highway to our Leigh Road interchange. Consequently, Goldstream Avenue will still be the first access to Langford. Sure hope the fellow I spoke to was ill informed.

Lynne Ferrie



Goldstream News Gazette