Spend money on High school theatre instead

Why not contact fellow parents to make arrangements for the kids to do the same?

Re: Paid escorts not a solution (Our View May 28).

I agree with you on this.

I would rather have these tax dollars spent on acquiring seats for the new Oak Bay High school theatre.

Walking school buses are great. My daughter and two of her friends meet at a corner on the way to Lansdowne school for the 15 to 20 minute walk.

They have been taught how to be safe in crossing busy roads like Foul Bay Road, and to be aware of their surroundings.

Why not contact fellow parents to make arrangements for the kids to do the same? Better yet, our kids can make the arrangements themselves.

Why don’t parents do a dry run with the kids and plan out a safe walking route?

It’s free and it will be a lot of fun.

Lorrena Braybrooks


Oak Bay



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