
Spend money on roads, not trails

Lobbying the government for $250,000 worth of road repair/renewal rather than trails would be good.

Spend money on roads, not trails

Re: parks and trails

Just a view. It seems B.C. government tax payers’ money being spent on trails is a non-starter — maintenance should be CVRD, yes, but there are other things in that area that need attention. Lobbying the B.C. government for $250,000 worth of road repair/renewal rather than trails would be good.

An example would be the roadway of “West Shawnigan” as it handles all over-height traffic plus more traffic from new development, in the general area. It has been patched to the point that it is no longer in need of repair it is in need of a total repave, and when you drive east onto Renfrew Road it is horrible up until Ceylon Road. It boggles the mind why Cobble Hill Road was paved when it was in no way as bad as West Shawnigan was and is.

If you want a project CVRD, yes if you want one, get an engineering team to design and carry out the digging down of Shawnigan Lake Road under the railway bridge so overhieght vehicles can pass under it, there is new tech out there to solve that I’m sure. Get a grant for that/those, as one knows there will be no hold up of the train, if the project is taken on. Yes, Parks is his [Brian Farquar, CVRD manager of parks and trails] thing, and now is the time to look good when we are all unable to travel, so do something noticeable you’ll go far.

Don Richardson

Shawnigan Lake

Cowichan Valley Citizen