Spending on value

Resident concerned that not enough action is being taken to create employment

I am writing this letter without knowing the results of the sports field referendum only because I have said my piece on this subject.  But I would like the municipality to give opposing viewpoints equal amount of money for the anti vote as they spend and to have one or two persons on the panel. The true definition of a democracy.

The reason for this letter is very concerning. I drove by and noticed that East Side Mario’s is closed and gone. I suppose this is a cost of 30-plus jobs. Sports Mart closed (15 to 20 jobs). SQM telemarketing saw 40 jobs lost to the U.S. and there are 30-plus jobs lost at the recycleing centre.  Anywhere from 120 to 150 jobs lost that we cannot afford to lose.

This is just in past few months so just think what is in store for the remainder of the year

I look around the downtown and business areas, and all I see are for rent, lease or sale signs on buildings or land.

The city council and RDNO must start doing something about this and they can start by erecting a state-of-art recycling plant.

This can be built just below the present location and this will allow for direct access from the highway without having to go up the hill and have them return and the present area.

This will reduce congestion at the scale area.  This area with some work can be levelled and a proper plant built and get recycling from other areas brought in.  This could increase the number of jobs greatly and give the people who depend on this money a steady and good place to work.  It could also recycle the same products as the other recycle depots.

I would rather have my tax money spent on something of value like this that will assist all of us rather than beautify.

Let us be proactive not reactive as the present council and board seem to be.


Garry Haas




Vernon Morning Star