Spirit of Christmas could be spread year-round

The Spirit of Christmas is with us in Williams Lake.

The Spirit of Christmas is with us in Williams Lake.

The people on the street are smiling easily, the decorations are abound, folks seem more lighthearted and many are saying Merry Christmas.

Perhaps one should suspect the higher degree of jocularity is for the Christmas Season.

Is there any period of the year where people are as happy as they are leading up to the special day on the Dec. 25?

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could have this public enjoyment all year long?

Look at how many gifts we could accumulate all year long, not material goods but the smiles and cheerfulness. Those are great presents.

People in good ole Willy’s Puddle are not afraid to say ‘Merry Christmas’ and the stores have gay decorations, with staff who also wish you a Merry  Christmas.

It’s good we have not all succumbed to those who don’t like the word Christmas.

Now also is the time for Santa Claus to come our way bearing goodies in his sleigh.

Santa will know if you’ve been good or bad.

He is now checking his list from many boys and girls to make sure he has the right presents because it would make him look bad to give little Sally a fire truck and Billy, a doll’s outfit.

The magic Santa has brings happiness to boys and girls of all ages.

They know he has a big workshop at the North Pole and his elves help Santa get ready for his speedy trip down so many chimneys.

No matter what age you are, keep believing in the big jolly fat man, it can’t do any harm and it helps us carry the spirit of Christmas for so long.

More Christians go to church over Christmas to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and they suggest that Jesus is the Reason for the season.

The Spirit of Christmas is with us in the Cariboo Chilcotin and I hope you have fun decorating your real tree, enjoy a family dinner with the big bird as a guest on the Dec. 25, and may your holiday time be very special.

Merry Christmas, everyone. It will be a special time for my family and I hope the season will be magical for you!

Ken Wilson is a freelance columnist with the Tribune/Weekend Advisor.


Williams Lake Tribune