Spirit shines in October

PHSS columnists Alexandra Southgate and Alisha MacDonald look at student matters at the high school.

October was an exciting month as teachers and students alike geared up for Hallowe’en. The Students’ Council vigorously prepared for our Hallowe’en assembly and actively encouraged everyone to dress up and show their holiday spirit! On the day itself many staff and students dressed up in a variety of costumes, from spooky to cute. Demons, princesses and witches were seen roaming these hallowed halls. The day was wrapped up with a special Hallowe’en assembly in which students partook in games and a costume parade. Overall, it was a festive and fun-filled day.


This month has also been abundant with sports. The boys’ soccer team went to Victoria on Oct. 21 and 22 for the Islands A Championship Tournament. They won the first game against Ucluelet but lost the second game against the B.C. champions from Glenlyon Norfolk School. The season came to a close on Oct. 30 when our team played against North Island Secondary School and won 4-2. Meanwhile, the girls’ volleyball team has kicked its training up a notch as it prepares for future games.

With October now behind us, we are looking forward to another lively and productive month here at Port Hardy Secondary School.


Alexandra Southgate and Alisha MacDonald are Grade 12 students at Port Hardy Secondary School.


North Island Gazette