Spiteful politics pervades system

I am concerned with what is happening to our political landscape with this latest attack from ‘robocalls’.

To the Editor,

I am concerned with what is happening to our political landscape with this latest attack from ‘robocalls’.

Our rights are slowly being stripped away by rogue politicians who serve a corporate master instead of the electorate, which gets sent misleading information.

We need a public inquiry and a full prosecution of those who are found guilty of any complicity. No more fines and slapped wrists for ‘in and out’ scams.

If we want to promote democracy to the rest of the world’s countries that don’t have it, we must be above reproach in the way we administer it.

The Conservatives, being the governing party (whether properly elected is the real question), should supply all their records, receipts, phone lists et al, to the proper authorities, as well as all the opposition parties.

We need to stop all this spiteful politicking that is overtaking democracy or we will surely become a pariah to the rest of the world’s just democracies. I hope we are not too late to save a once proud country.

Keri Boulter


Nanaimo News Bulletin