Spray park plan panned

The idea of a water spray park represents an unenlightened vision for Lumby.

The idea of a water spray park represents an unenlightened vision for Lumby. Toddlers may perhaps benefit from a spray park, depending on how aggressive the sprays are, by learning not to be afraid of water, although it sounds to me like a pretty rude introduction.

The pool is argued to be not well designed to handle toddlers.

Surely a toddlers’ pool is exactly what’s needed then.

But for the majority of users, a spray park provides nothing to do.

Nothing to learn and nothing to engage interest, since I don’t suppose the park will incorporate water cannons with a dozen hoses for team water fights, nor would we want it to.

This, at an age where they should be soaking up knowledge and skills, not just being entertained.

There are cheaper ways of cooling off on a hot day.

Also, I have spent some considerable number of hours in Polson Park in Vernon where there is a water spray park.

It is rarely used, and when it’s not, it’s locked inside a high fence.

So in Lumby, there will be a sizeable chunk of a public park, unavailable for use most of the time.

Russ Collins



Vernon Morning Star