Spring: uncluttered views and a balm for our souls

Sonja is revelling in the warm weather and abundant signs of life returning

Across the Valley - Sonja Lester

The landscape of our valley has shown up. My favorite time of the year because the view is uncluttered.

Fresh air and exercise seem to be the balm for our souls as the weather has turned sunny for real. After the long season of winter with COVID-19, as I drive down the country roads, so many people are out riding and walking, it feels like a miracle.

This week has also been for the birds. The osprey are back on their power pole at Lake Kathlyn, across from the airport, checking out the nest, as if assessing for renovation.

While lumber prices soar on the world stage, material, for this pair, can be found in nearby fields. I look forward to seeing little heads stretch way up as they wait for a meal. But it isn’t always an easy time, I have, over this lake, watched an amazing flight-fight with an osprey and an eagle.

A friend, in Evelyn, softened a nest for some baby robins. She brushed her retriever on the lawn and watched as a pair of home builders came and scooped their beaks full with soft retriever fur. The babies will feel some puppy love.

Nature has given us a breath of fresh air. The wind has been a little cool but it has finally felt like we have paid our power bill. A friend and I were feeling the warmth as we sat at a Two Sisters picnic table drinking an amazing cup of coffee.

As I sat there I felt the need to get out more because I didn’t know they have a walk-up, place-your-order window. A window, I am reminded, that has been there since it was a Tastee Freeze.

What came first, the chicken or the egg? The egg! A friend, in Driftwood, had some chicks hatch. As sure as spring follows winter, new life is abounding at the end of April.

Congratulations to CASARA/Pep Air of our Northwest zone on a successful evaluation. Good luck as you continue to take to the skies for search and rescue.

Please call me at 250-847-4414 or e-mail Sonja.lester.b.c@gmail.com. It’s nice to hear how things are going across this valley.

Smithers Interior News